Meet my future client. This week a New York judge granted two chimpanzees a hearing to challenge their confinement at Stony Brook University. Well, actually the judge granted the hearing to the chimps’ lawyers, who are said to be a bit more articulate than their clients. The action was brought…
Articles Posted in General
Crazy Lawsuit. Or Not . . .??? Just Ask Mickey Mouse . . .
Extra, extra read all about it: West Virginia woman files lawsuit against Walt Disney Corporation claiming Disney planted a rubber chip in her body without her knowledge or consent! She filed the complaint last month in Kanawha Circuit Court, West Virginia. The lady is seeking for monetary damages and for…
The Mental State Of “Negligence” In New York Personal Injury Cases
I came across this lawyer advertising billboard on the web and couldn’t convince myself NOT to post it on my blog. So now I have to justify posting it. I am going to somehow tie this sign into New York personal injury stuff. Just wait and see! When you think…
Emoticons Can Be Important Evidence! CNY Personal Injury Lawyer Explains.
A spurned man was recently on trial for posting threats against his ex on FACEBOOK. His defense? The “threats” were just a joke, and she should have known it. To support this claim, he pointed to certain emoticons (a facial glyph, used especially in e-mail and online posts, indicating an…
How To Avoid A DWI Arrest At A Sobriety Checkpoint: CNY Injury Lawyer Explains (Kind of)
I don’t do criminal law. I’m New York personal injury lawyer. But I came across an interesting article about a controversial way to avoid getting “busted” at a sobriety checkpoint. This is criminal defense lawyer stuff. I am not recommending this, or even saying I agree with it. But I…
Funniest / Tackiest Lawyer Commercials Of The Year
Well it’s that time of year again. The end. We know you have been waiting breathlessly for our compilation of the funniest / tackiest lawyer commercials of the Year. You need wait no longer. Just click the links!: And here are some oldies but goodies: Funny Lawyer TV Commercial by…
New New York Rule Requires Lawyers to Redact or Omit Identifying Information From Court-Filed Papers.
New York State has a new rule — §202.5[e] of the Uniform Civil Rules of the Supreme and County Courts — requiring attorneys to omit or redact “confidential personal information” from court-filed papers. The “confidential personal information” includes social security numbers (except the last four digits), the dates of birth…
Let Me Tell You A Story . . . .
A good personal injury trial lawyer is a good story teller. That’s what it takes to win a trial. A trial is really about competing stories. Whichever side tells the best, most compelling, and most believable story, wins. That’s why a good personal injury trial attorney shuns boring power point…
Central NY Injury Lawyer’s Second Circuit NYC Courtoom Appearance.
Last Friday I argued an appeal in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals at 40 Centre Street in Foley Square in downtown Manhattan. I had not done that I quite a while (a decade?). When you are used to arguing appeals in State court, a Federal appeals court is somewhat…
Why I Write This Central NY Personal Injury Lawyer Blog.
When I started writing this blog a few years ago, I’ll admit I was fishing for new cases. I figured that since the internet was where more and more potential clients were looking for New York injury lawyers, blogging about New York injury cases would bring those surfers to my…