
Articles Posted in Lawyers


New New York Rule Requires Lawyers to Redact or Omit Identifying Information From Court-Filed Papers.

New York State has a new rule — §202.5[e] of the Uniform Civil Rules of the Supreme and County Courts — requiring attorneys to omit or redact “confidential personal information” from court-filed papers. The “confidential personal information” includes social security numbers (except the last four digits), the dates of birth…


Lawyer Gets Sanctioned For Calling Other Lawyer An A**hole.

Litigation lawyers are, in a sense, at war. Each lawyer is fighting for his client to prevail. A spirited fight requires, sometimes, spirited verbal exchanges. But there are limits. Fellow lawyers, here’s a little rule of thumb: Don’t call your opponent an “asshole”. That’s exactly what one lawyer called another…


New York Personal Injury Lawyers: Be Sure To Promptly Demand That Surveillance Videos Be Preserved.

A recent case published in the New York Law Journal illustrates the importance of personal injury lawyers promptly demanding that surveillance videos be preserved. Surveillance cameras are virtually everywhere now: In our streets, stores, businesses, banks, schools and traffic lights. So almost every time a new case comes into your…


Judge Beating Up Lawyer In Court Teaches Us All A Lesson About Our Justice System

Many moons ago, before we humans invented a civil justice system, we resolved our disputes by brute force. Might made right. In the words of Thomas Hobbes, life was “nasty, brutish and short.” Then trials and courtrooms evolved. We put down our fists and swords and let judges and juries…

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