
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


Syracuse New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers Weigh In On Lawsuit By Former Upstate Hospital Neurosurgeon

When I clicked my way to this morning to check out the Syracuse Post Standard news, I was both surprised, and not surprised, to read that Dr. Holsapple, a former Upstate University Hospital neurosurgeon, had sued the Hospital for retaliating against him after he voiced concerns about dangerous medical…


New York Wrongful Death Law: A Travesty Of Justice For Elderly Victims Of New York Nursing Home Malpractice and their families

The Auburn Citizen recently reported on a Cayuga County Nursing Home Negligence case, and that’s my topic for today. At first blush, it seems like a compelling case. The nursing home’s negligence is clear cut. So clear cut that when the State Department of Health cited the Home with violations,…


What Is The Maximum Fee a NY Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Charge?

In my last blog, I explained the maximum legal fee in a New York personal injury case. The fee is different, however, in medical malpractice cases, and that’s the topic of today’s blog post. In medical malpractice cases, New York law provides for a “sliding fee” in which the lawyer’s…


Central and Syracuse New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Discusses Medical Malpractice Study.

I came across this article in the New York Times titled “Mistakes Still Prevalent in Hospital Care, Study Finds“. The article didn’t tell me, a Central and Syracuse New York medical malpractice lawyer, anything I didn’t already know. To know how prevalent hospital malpractice is, all I have to do…


Another Wrong-Site Surgery Malpractice Case at Syracuse’s Upstate University Hospital

Syracuse medical malpractice lawyers are taking note: Upstate University Hospital has a recent demonstrated history of performing botched or erroneous surgeries. The lawyers at Michaels Bersani Kalabanka know this first-hand. We have successfully sued Upstate several times, including a case two years ago which rendered a $2.5 Million verdict to…


Syracuse Medical Malpractice Lawyers’ Opinion On "Ways to Avoid Malpractice Lawsuits" Lecture

Watch this video of a doctor’s lecture on “Medpage”. He tells his fellow medical doctors how to avoid getting sued for medical malpractice. Some of his points are well taken. For example, “Care deeply about your patients”, and “communicate” well and often with them. (It’s harder to sue someone you…


Can New York Hospitals Be Shamed Into Preventing Hospital Medical Malpractice?

The Syracuse Post Standard reports today that the “central line” blood stream infection rate at the surgical intensive care unit of Upstate University Hospital fell to zero last year only a year after it had one of the highest infection rates in the State (8.3%). A “central line” is a…


Syracuse Medical Malpractice Claims May Be Reduced By New Welch Allyn Invention

Syracuse New York medical malpractice, like medical malpractice everywhere, is by definition avoidable. And any new medical procedure or device that helps avoid such errors is a godsend — especially to the patient who, thanks to the new procedure or device, avoids becoming one of the many victims of medical…

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