This Central New York personal injury lawyer blogged a few weeks ago about building owners’ liability for falling icicles and ice. Those big pointy slabs of ice can kill people, and the building’s owner can be held liable for negligence in failing to remove them or prevent them from forming.…
Articles Posted in Premises Liability
Assumption Of Risk Doctrine Won’t Protect Ski Resort For Falling Chairlifts
You have probably heard or read about the recent tragic accident on Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. A chairlift cable derailed sending several skiers plunging into the snow-covered slope below. Luckily, a generous snowfall had recently blanketed the Mountain, and that helped pad the landing. Still, several skiers are recovering in…
Central and Syracuse NY Personal Injury Lawyer On Icicle Liability
One of the advantages/disadvantages of my job as a Central New York and Syracuse personal injury lawyer is that I am acutely aware of all the dangers lurking out there. The “advantage” is that I avoid some dangers most people don’t even think about. The “disadvantage” is that I worry…
New York Slip And Fall, Snow and Ice Cases, Explained by NY Slip And Fall Attorney
. Now that the snow’s finally here in Central New York, it’s time for this Central and Syracuse New York slip and fall lawyer to blog about New York snow removal liability. When can a property owner be held liable for failure to remove snow and ice that causes a…
Black Friday Shopper Trampled — Central NY Personal Injury Attorney Explains Liability
As a Central and Syracuse New York accident lawyer, I had been expecting a story like this since last Friday. Why? Because last Friday was “black” Friday. Read on. Today news sources report that a western New York man was injured, though thankfully not seriously, when he found himself on…
Syracuse NY Slip-And-Fall Lawyer Describes a “Good” Slip-And-Fall Case
As a Central New York and Syracuse slip-and-fall lawyer, I review a lot of restaurant and store slip-and-fall cases. But I only agree to handle about 1 out of every 5 of them. Why? Let’s take a typical restaurant slip-and-fall-in-a-soda-spill case. In most such cases, you can’t prove that the…
Central New York Accident Lawyer Gives Hiker Safety Tips
Yesterday I blogged about New York personal injury liability for a Park owner’s failure to properly maintain trails and hiking areas, and for failing to place appropriate warnings signs. What sparked off that blog entry was a tragic hiker accident in Letchworth State Park in which a 19-year old hiker…
New York Hiker Accidents: Can the Park or Land Owner Be Held Liable under New York State Personal Injury Law?
Letchworth is one of several upstate New York State parks. It is the deepest gorge anywhere east of the Rockies and is sometimes called “the Grand Canyon of the East”. I personally have spent many splendid, sun-drenched days hiking its trails, and driving or bicycling around its “rim” to take…
Fourth of July Safety Tips from Your Central New York Personal Injury Lawyer
Fourth of July, Independence Day, or whatever you want to call it. It’s here! And in New York, where private fireworks are illegal, many citizens are pitted against the law. I personally spend the evening of the Third on Otisco Lake, which is illuminated like a roman candle by private…
Common Misconceptions about New York Personal Injury Cases, Part III: “I Slipped (or Tripped) and Fell in the (Parking Lot, Store Aisle . . . Wherever) and Was Injured, So I Must Have a Good Case Against the Owner of (the Parking Lot, Store, etc.).”
Let’s clear this up from the get-go: The owner of the property where you slipped or tripped and fell is NOT AUTOMATICALLY liable for your fall and resulting injuries. As the plaintiff in a New York premises liability lawsuit, you have the burden of proving that the owner of the…