
Central New York Personal Injury Lawyer Loves Getting “Thumbs Up”.

It’s nice to get a thumbs up. This is true when I bring my New York personal injury cases to the jury, and it is true in life generally. And I got a nice one yesterday. After I gave my annual update lecture on the topic of Municipal liability (how to hold a City, Town, Village, County, etc. liable in New York for personal injuries or wrongful death) to a room full of Rochester lawyers yesterday, I found this email awaiting me when I back home to Geneva:

Hello Michael. I . . . was in attendance today at the Academy’s 2010 update. Despite it being such a long day, it was worthwhile. And you were definitely a highlight of the day’s presenters. I thoroughly enjoyed your insights, and especially, your enthusiasm for your topic. You ‘read into’ the judicial mindset (I love to do that too) to get the largest sense possible of where the court is going …that makes law more like a philosophy course, or at least, a true barometer of the way we humans organize ourselves! As always, it is fascinating. Found your website to tell you so–too bad you are not in Rochester full time! Our loss….thanks again.

Needless to say, that email made my day. And I obviously hope juries and judges find my New York personal injury case presentations equally compelling! Although I have had great results, so far no emails from them!

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