
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog


What Do Honda Motors And Foxes Have In Common? CNY Car Accident Lawyer explains.

Making big auto companies self-report to the government fatal accidents and injuries caused by their vehicles is kind of like having the fox report to the farmer how many hens he ate. The fox is likely to under-report. Same with Honda. And as a result, the “farmer” (the National Highway…


How To Avoid A DWI Arrest At A Sobriety Checkpoint: CNY Injury Lawyer Explains (Kind of)

I don’t do criminal law. I’m New York personal injury lawyer. But I came across an interesting article about a controversial way to avoid getting “busted” at a sobriety checkpoint. This is criminal defense lawyer stuff. I am not recommending this, or even saying I agree with it. But I…


Tort Reform Gives G.M. (And Other Corporations) A Free Pass To Kill

A New York Times article recently highlighted the consequence of many state’s “tort deform reform” laws: Victims of devastating corporate safety lapses can’t find a lawyer willing to represent them. The article gives several examples of how tort deform reform is killing cases where corporate negligence has killed people. For…


Pre-Death Terror Claims Can Be Worth A Lot In New York Wrongful Death Cases

New York, unlike many other States, does not allow the family of a wrongful death victim to recover for emotional grief. All they can really recover is “economic loss” (medical and funeral bills, loss of financial support, etc.) and compensation for the decedent’s “conscious pain and suffering”. In many cases,…


New New York Rule Requires Lawyers to Redact or Omit Identifying Information From Court-Filed Papers.

New York State has a new rule — §202.5[e] of the Uniform Civil Rules of the Supreme and County Courts — requiring attorneys to omit or redact “confidential personal information” from court-filed papers. The “confidential personal information” includes social security numbers (except the last four digits), the dates of birth…


Legal Malpractice Juries — Put On Your Black Robes! CNY / Syracuse Legal Malpractice Lawyer Explains

Legal malpractice trials, which have always been kind of weird, just got weirder. In a case of first impression, the New York Court of Appeals in Grace v. Law recently held that the failure of a plaintiff to appeal an underlying adverse ruling does not bar a subsequent legal malpractice…

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