
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog


What’s The Scariest Thing About Halloween? Central NY Injury Lawyer Explains.

Hey mom and dad: Halloween’s here. Boo! Not really scary, huh? Figured. Hey, I’m a parent, too, and also a Central and Syracuse New York personal injury lawyer. (Scared yet?). From my experience representing injured people, including injured kids, let me tell you what does not scare me about Halloween:…


“Greedy Corporations Make Me Sick”, Says Syracuse NY Personal Injury Lawyer

Sometimes when I read the newspaper and see what greedy corporations are capable of, well, it makes me sick. This blog post is about a greedy corporation that literally made people sick. The recent Meningitis outbreak you’ve been reading about is caused by contaminated spinal steroid injections. Many of my…


“Do I Really Have To Wear A Helmet When I Bike, Dad?” Maybe not, says Central NY Bike Accident Lawyer

As a Central Syracuse NY bike accident lawyer, I have seen first hand some nasty head injuries from fallen bicyclists. So I was not very understanding last April when my 13 year-old son informed me that it was so totally uncool to wear a helmet on a bike that he…


Syracuse NY Malpractrice Lawyer On Surgical Sponges Being Left Inside Patients

Yet another article about medical malpractice appeared in my favorite newspaper yesterday. The New York Times reports, in an article titled, “When Surgeons Leave Objects Behind” that surgeons in the U.S. leave an estimated 4,000 “surgical items” inside their patients every year, the vast majority of which are surgical sponges…

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