Last Sunday a van careered across several lanes of traffic on a highway overpass on the Bronx River Parkway before plunging off the side of the road and landing, upside down, in the Bronx Zoo, where all seven occupants, including three children, met their death. Yes, the van driver was…
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog
Fellow NY Personal Injury Lawyers, Please Stand Up!
I consider myself in pretty good shape for my age. But when my brother just a year older than me recently died of a sudden heart attack, I decided to get all the testing I could for heart disease. One test I got is called a “cardiac CT scan for…
Why NY Personal Injury Cases Settle On The Eve Of Trial
Monday I was scheduled to try a Seneca County NY motorcycle accident case in the Seneca County Courthouse in Waterloo. But as often happens, the case settled on the eve of trial, in this case Sunday afternoon. Why do personal injury cases settle so late in the game, after the…
More Motorcycles Means Fewer Motorcycle Accidents, Says Syracuse NY Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
The Syracuse Post Standard reports, in an article titled, “Oswego County Motorcycle Deaths Increasing“, that three motorcyclists have been killed already this year in Oswego County, and we are only in April. This totals more than the full-year of motorcycle fatalities in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Why? Warm weather has…
My Car Hit A Wandering Cow. Can I Sue The Farmer?
Eric Turkewitz, a celebrated New York personal injury blogger, recently blogged about the case of Hastings v. Suave, in which a cow wandered from a fenced-in pasture into a road at night and caused a car to collide with it, injuring its driver. Eric noted that the Third Department (intermediate…
What is a “voluntary” product safety recall? Central and Syracuse NY Product Liability Lawyer Explains
I always chuckle a bit when I read that a manufacturer or distributor is “voluntarily” recalling one of its products for safety concerns. From my perspective as a Central and Syracuse New York products liability lawyer, companies never “voluntarily” recall anything. In fact, left to their own devices, most corporations…
Can Syracuse Be Sued By Sodomized Child And The Child’s Parents?
The Syracuse Post Standard published a story today titled, “How the city of Syracuse hired a registered sex offender“. When I first glanced at the title, I thought — “hmm, there could be some liability here”. I was thinking that perhaps the City had unwittingly hired a registered sex offender…
Syracuse NY Crouse Hospital Medical Malpractice Case Heats Up
If your tummy just happened to catch fire during a C-section (yes, I said catch fire) and caused you permanent, painful napalm-like burn injuries, would you wonder if your doctor made some kind of mistake? In fact, would you wonder if he was a witch practicing some form of hell…
NY Bike Accident Lawyer — Die On Your Bike With Good Protection
Maybe you can, but I can’t. I can’t do it. I can’t get on my road bike without thinking, at least a little bit, about getting injured or killed on it. That’s probably because, as a Central and Syracuse New York bicycle accident lawyer, I see some pretty nasty bike…
Brain Injured Snowmobile Accident Victim Paints For CNY Injury Lawyer.
Some of our former Central and Syracuse New York personal injury clients become lifelong friends. One example is Mary. Even six years or so after we settled her case, she keeps in touch, stops by the office, and emails us regularly. Mary suffered a terrible traumatic brain injury (“TBI”).. She…