
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog


New York Health And Fitness Clubs Beware: You Must USE Those AED’s!

One of New York’s appellate courts (Second Department) recently held that health and fitness clubs in New York State must actually use automated external defibrillators (AEDs) when necessary, and not just have them available. If they don’t, a heart attack victim can sue them for failing to act. You can…


“Hey Fed Gov, Don’t Cut Bicycle Safety Out Of Your Transportation System!” Central and Syracuse NY Bike Accident Lawyer Says

Fellow New York Bicycle accident attorney Jim Read reports in his blog that a Bill making its way through congress would, if made law, remove bicycling from the federal transportation program. As Jim notes, it would set us bicyclists back many years in our efforts to get government roadway designers…


Centryal and Syracuse NY Accident Lawyer On LeRoy NY Toxic Spill: Proving “Causation” Is Tough

I read in the Pop Tort that Erin Brockovich appeared on HLN’s Dr. Drew Show to talk about the cluster of Tourette’s like symptoms hitting teenagers in Leroy, NY. It turns out that in 1971 a train derailed and dumped tons of cyanide and TCE, which was never cleaned up,…


CNY Injury Lawyer’s Letter To Insurance Adjusters

Dear friendly insurance adjuster: Thank you for your recent letter requesting permission to take my injured client’s “recorded statement” regarding the accident your insured so carelessly caused. As a Central and Syracuse New York personal injury lawyer, I appreciate all communications with insurance adjusters that might help me resolve my…


Central New York Personal Injury Law Firm’s Good Deed For 2011: Michaels Bersani Kalabanka Helps Save “Camp Rotary”.

Nothing brings Auburn and Cayuga County, NY, together like an attack from outside forces. Just as the ancient Greek city-states came together to fend off attacks from their ancient common enemy, Persia, all of Auburn and Cayuga County recently united to fend off an attack by the National Texas-based Boy…


Central NY Injury Lawyer: City Should Be Held Responsible For Adoptive Parent’s Abuse Of Children

I read in the New York Times about a lawsuit on behalf or10 disabled Children fraudulently adopted by a Queens, New York woman more than 15 years ago. It is an extremely disturbing case. Anyone who loves children, swallow hard before reading further. The lady used different aliases to adopt…

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