
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog


Why This Central New York Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyer Turned Down a TV Interview

It’s nice to win. And this Central and Syracuse New York personal injury and wrongful death lawyer recently won an appeal for the widow of a wrongful death victim in a Syracuse wrongful death lawsuit. The case is about a tragic accidental death that got extensive news coverage all over…


Assumption Of Risk Doctrine Won’t Protect Ski Resort For Falling Chairlifts

You have probably heard or read about the recent tragic accident on Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine. A chairlift cable derailed sending several skiers plunging into the snow-covered slope below. Luckily, a generous snowfall had recently blanketed the Mountain, and that helped pad the landing. Still, several skiers are recovering in…


Can Spiderman Bring A New York Personal Injury Lawsuit For His Injuries?

If you’re like me, you wouldn’t mind being Spiderman. Hey, he’s got a cool way of getting around, shooting spider-gook from his wrists and swinging around town. Beats driving in city traffic. But every job has its drawbacks, even Spiderman’s. We learned this week that he plummeted 30 feet during…


New York Wrongful Death Law: A Travesty Of Justice For Elderly Victims Of New York Nursing Home Malpractice and their families

The Auburn Citizen recently reported on a Cayuga County Nursing Home Negligence case, and that’s my topic for today. At first blush, it seems like a compelling case. The nursing home’s negligence is clear cut. So clear cut that when the State Department of Health cited the Home with violations,…


What Is The Maximum Fee a NY Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Charge?

In my last blog, I explained the maximum legal fee in a New York personal injury case. The fee is different, however, in medical malpractice cases, and that’s the topic of today’s blog post. In medical malpractice cases, New York law provides for a “sliding fee” in which the lawyer’s…

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