
Central New York Injury Lawyer Blog


Mom Gives Birth While Driving — Now THAT”S “Distracted Driving”!

I have written several blog posts about “distracted driving” – motorists driving while texting and driving while talking on their cell phones. (See those posts by clicking here, here, here and here). As I said in those blog posts, distracted driving is quickly becoming a leading cause of motor vehicle…


Motorcycle Miracle Man Crashes and Lands in Back Seat of Convertible

When I read the Syracuse Post Standard’s report of this recent Central New York motorcycle accident, I thought perhaps I had accidentally jumped to the movie review section of the paper and was reading about a slapstick comedy. The accident happened on Route 31 in Lakeport, New York. The motorcyclist…


Common Misconceptions about New York Personal Injury Cases, Part IV: “I Got Hurt in a Car Accident in New York and It Was the Other Guy’s Fault So I Must Have a Good Case”

Being hurt in a New York car accident when it’s not your fault doesn’t necessarily mean you have a good case. You have to be “seriously injured” to get compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance. Otherwise, all you get is your no-fault benefits (up to a maximum of $50,000 in…


Common Misconceptions about New York Personal Injury Cases, Part III: “I Slipped (or Tripped) and Fell in the (Parking Lot, Store Aisle . . . Wherever) and Was Injured, So I Must Have a Good Case Against the Owner of (the Parking Lot, Store, etc.).”

Let’s clear this up from the get-go: The owner of the property where you slipped or tripped and fell is NOT AUTOMATICALLY liable for your fall and resulting injuries. As the plaintiff in a New York premises liability lawsuit, you have the burden of proving that the owner of the…


Common Misconceptions about New York Personal Injury Cases, Part I: “I Almost Died in That Accident, So I Must Be Entitled To a Lot of Money, Right?”

There are many common misperceptions about New York personal injury lawsuits. I will be discussing these in my blog posts over the next few days. One of the most common mistaken ideas is that if you “are almost killed” by someone’s negligence, you must have a case. This is usually…


Common Misconceptions about New York Personal Injury Cases, Part II: “If I Complain about My Injury A lot to My Doctor And to The Jury, I Will Get More Compensation”

Take two clients with the same injury, say a cervical disk herniation. They are both in pain day and night. They can’t sleep. They have a hard time doing what they used to do during the day. They both try nerve block injections but get only limited, temporary relief. They…

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