Finally, I’m done! I have finished preparing my 2010-2011 review of all New York State municipal and government liability cases. I am ready to go “on tour” around the State educating other New York personal injury lawyers about the new case law on suing New York State, cities, counties, villages, towns, school districts, public authorities, and other governmental entities for personal injuries. I started this project back in early July, and just now finished. This is my fourth consecutive year preparing the case review. I can say, without exaggeration, that I am probably the only New York personal injury lawyer, or even the only lawyer — or the only person — to have read almost every New York case on governmental liability for personal injuries for the last four years!
Why is that such a big deal? Well, it really isn’t – except for one thing: It gives me an edge on analyzing and preparing New York personal injury cases against New York State and its cities, counties, villages, towns, school districts, public authorities, and other such entities.
When I was in college, a professor once defined a “generalist” as someone who knew nothing about everything, and a “specialist” as someone who knew everything about nothing. Well, I guess I am a “specialist” in the very narrow field of New York governmental and municipal liability. Fortunately, I also know quite a bit about other areas of New York injury law, including New York car accidents, construction injuries, defective product cases, just to name a few. I guess that makes me a “generalist”, too. Bottom line: I am a generalist and a specialist! But I haven’t quite figured out whether that makes me a generalized specialist or a specialized generalist . . .