This fall your Central New York personal injury lawyer will again — for the 9th straight year — give his annual “CLE” (continuing legal education) class to fellow New York personal injury lawyers across New York State. Once again I will be lecturing on the topic of governmental liability for causing personal injuries. In other words, I’ll talk about how to hold the State and its various sub-divisions (counties, school districts, villages, towns etc.) liability for negligently causing personal injuries. Each year, the New York State Trial Lawyers Academy invites me to do so. I am invited to speak to rooms full of New York personal injury lawyers in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Manhattan, Queens, Long Island and more.
Why? Because I have been fortunate enough through my work to become seen as one of the top experts in this field of law in New York State. My articles on the subject have been published in New York’s most important law journals and magazines. New York State judges sometimes cite to my work when they decide cases.
Suing governmental entities and agencies such as New York State or its cities, counties, school district, villages and towns is very different from suing a private wrongdoer such as a car driver or a hospital or a business. The procedure is different, the time deadlines are different, the things you can sue for are different, and the defenses that can be raised are different. You name it, it’s different.