Just read a great article in the New York Times about developmentally disabled people in New York State care, or in the care of not-for-profit homes charged by the State to care for them, who die for “reasons other than natural causes”. Check out the stats: One in six such deaths in the past decade have been chalked up to “unnatural” or “unknown” causes. Other states, like Connecticut and Massachusetts for example, count only 1 in 25 such deaths.
The Times, God bless their soul, undertook its own analysis of death records, to find out just what these poor folks were dying from. What they found is very disturbing: Many of these deaths result from errors and preventable deaths, such as drowning in bath tubs where the disabled were not supposed to be left alone in the tub, or choking on food when they were not supposed to be left alone with food; or falling down stairs when they were not supposed to be navigating stairs on their own. Some of the mentally disabled simply ran away, repeatedly, until they died out on their own.
The Times further found that these preventable deaths rarely resulted in measures being implemented to prevent the same mistakes from recurring.